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Chicago Property Management Blog

Housing Taxes in Chicago: What Landlords Need to Know

As a landlord operating in Chicago, there are several taxes you should be aware of:• Property Tax: The property tax is an annual tax levied on the assessed value of residential and commercial real estate in Chicago. Property tax rates vary each year based on the city's budget needs. Property taxes are used to fund essential services like schools, infrastructure, and public safety. As a landlord, property taxes constitute one of...

5 Home Improvement Marketing Tips for Sellers

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During the homebuying process, the first step over 40% of buyers complete is to check for properties online. Without a strong marketing strategy, buyers won't show any interest in your property. A few minor home improvements, however, can help you stand out when selling a house.Here are five home improvement marketing tips to use to attract potential buyers. With these home marketing ideas, you can help buyers fall in love with your...

Real Estate Investment for Chicago Landlords: Building Your Rental Property Portfolio

Investing in rental real estate can be an excellent way for landlords to generate income and build wealth over time. The Chicago real estate market, in particular, offers many opportunities for investment due to its large population, diverse neighborhoods, and stable property values. However, real estate investment also comes with risks that landlords must go in prepared to mitigate. Here are some tips for successful real estate investm...

What Are the 7 Steps to Buying a Home in Chicago?

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Are you hoping to add to Chicago's population of 2.66 million?If so, you must learn the 7 steps to buying a home!Buying a home can be a bit complicated, especially for first-timers. It is not as easy as entering a sports store and purchasing your favorite team's jersey. After all, a property is one of the most significant investments you will ever make.Thankfully, you are in the right place for moving to Chicago. In this guide, ...

Tenant Screening for Chicago Landlords: Finding the Best Tenants for Your Property

Conducting proper tenant screening is one of the most important responsibilities for Chicago landlords. Choosing reliable, trustworthy tenants can help minimize headaches and ensure you receive rent payments on time. On the other hand, lax screening procedures can lead to non-paying tenants, excessive property damage, and legal issues. Here are some tips for effective tenant screening in Chicago:Check tenant references. Require prospect...

House Maintenance for Chicago Landlords: Keeping Your Properties in Top Shape

As a landlord, keeping your rental properties well-maintained should be a top priority. Proper house maintenance helps attract and retain good tenants, prevents costly repairs down the road, and ensures safe and habitable living conditions as required by Chicago housing law. Here are some key areas of house maintenance for Chicago landlords to focus on:Heating and cooling systems: Have HVAC systems inspected and serviced annually to kee...

Why Use a Realtor in Chicago, Illinois? 5 Key Benefits to Consider

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In the world of real estate deals, there are an incredible number of potential pitfalls. So, why use a realtor? To A realtor can leverage their expert knowledge to ensure your real estate deal is successful. This article lists five compelling reasons why you should consider working with a realtor rather than trying to do it alone.1. Market KnowledgeOne of the primary benefits of hiring a realtor is that they have in-depth expertise in t...

Renting Out Your House in Chicago: Tips for Landlords

Chicago is a large and diverse rental market, offering many opportunities for landlords and property owners. However, to have a successful rental experience, it is important to go in prepared. Here are some tips for renting out your house in Chicago:Know the market. Do your research on rental rates for comparable properties in your neighborhood. Check sites like Zillow, Trulia, and Craigslist to determine a competitive price range for y...

Selling Your Chicago Rental Property: A Landlord's Guide

As a Chicago landlord, there may come a time when you decide to sell one of your investment properties. Whether you want to free up capital for new acquisitions, diversify your holdings, or exit the rental business altogether, selling strategically is key to maximizing your returns. With the right approach, you can take advantage of strong demand in the Chicago housing market and the equity you’ve built up in the property.Price it...

4 Insider Tips for Selling Your Home in Chicago

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Currently, homes in Chicago are worth around $300,000, so you can earn a decent amount of money by selling your property if you have one in the city. This gives you the perfect opportunity to embark on a new adventure and move elsewhere, whether that's in the same state, across the US, or even overseas.Selling a house isn't always easy though, and there are many moving parts to deal with. To ensure you have the best experience p...
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