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Ready for a Remote/Hybrid Position? Check Out GCR&D

Ready for a Remote/Hybrid Position? Check Out GCR&D

Looking for a new job? Did you know more and more job seekers specifically seek out employers with flexible work arrangements? We did! Here at Greater Chicago Realty & Development, LLC (GCR&D), we embrace giving options where possible. So, if you’re ready for a remote/hybrid position, check out GCR&D. 

One Size Fits All Work Arrangement Don’t Work

The workplace changed for all of us in the blink of an eye when the pandemic hit in early 2020. For those able to work remotely during lockdown, many felt fortunate just to even have a job. Everyone did what they could just to survive.

When businesses started to reopen and call on employees to return to the office, some couldn’t wait to go. Other employees… not so much. They found they liked being home in their jammies with Fido all day and never wanted to go back. Some Goldilocks workers wanted the best of both worlds. After all, sometimes you feel like a suit, sometimes you don’t. 

Workers came out of the other side of the global lockdown with new perspectives. After the worst of the economic impact subsided, they no longer wanted to accept simply going “back to normal.” Even those clamoring for the separation of work and home lives, didn’t want the same level of grind and stress.

But clearly no one working model will fit everyone’s wish list or every industry. Many companies will never go back to the office. Some will adapt a hybrid version of work in the office and work remotely. 

Remote Work Works Great at GCR&D

Here at GCR&D, we’ve had full-time team members working remotely since 2015. So when COVID hit, our team knew what to do to transition. Of all the adjustments we had to make to pandemic life, learning how to work remotely wasn’t one of them. 

In 2021, we listened to our Goldilocks employees and shifted many positions to a hybrid remote/office employment model. We’ve found that offering our staff greater workplace flexibility attracts and retains the best talent in Greater Chicagoland. It’s a win-win!

Why Our Team Loves Remote/Hybrid Work 

GCR&D team members enjoy many benefits of working either a fully remote or hybrid remote/office position. Below are just a few of the top reasons why remote work works great for our team members:

  1. Get Time Back
    We all have a finite amount of time. It’s our one truly limited resource. So on days they don’t go into the office, they eliminate the commute time. This allows them to leave work and dive right into whatever makes them happy in their personal lives. More time with family, hobbies, fitness, extra sleep, staring at a blank wall, or whatever provides that balance we all need.

  2. Money Saved
    Between gas, food, and the $7 Starbucks on the way to work, that money saved equals more money earned. Dry cleaning bills, sitter fees, retail therapy charges, and I’m-too-tired-to-cook takeout order costs get slashed, too. We love hearing about all the cool things our people do with this “found” money.

  3. Customizable Workstations
    We might tell our employees that they need two monitors and minimum internet speed to work remotely. But they get to control the room temperature, how much light they use, and whether they wear pants. Pets make welcome cameos on zoom meetings…  except that one cat who insists on showing us his butt. He’s just rude.

Here’s some other reasons why our team loves remote/hybrid work options:

  • Lower Stress - Less time and stress commuting or thinking about the logistics of travel
  • Increased work/life balance - Correlates directly to getting chunks of time back each week and skipping the wasted energy commuting
  • Location Flexibility - working remote isn't limited to your home so long as you have the set up elsewhere.
  • Less COVID Risk - minimizing the potential exposure continues to be a challenge as new variants work their way through the Greek alphabet.

In Their Own Words

“There is the great comfort of home and reduced commuting allowing more productive hours.” 

~ Kyle Hanley - Property Manager 5 years

“Being a high technological company, allows us to work from home, optimizing our performance and keeping everyone healthy at the same time.”

~ Ricardo Layas - Property Manager 1 year

“ I love my time with the team in the office and at home or remotely there are less distractions to combat.”

~ Bill Palmer - Property Manager 9 years

“The opportunity to focus on your role and responsibilities. I, for one, enjoy being in the office at least two days a week; however, remotely, one is able to structure their day in an effective manner and run their day accordingly to get the most out of your work day.”

~ Tariq Rana - Property Manager 3 Years

The flexibility to do work wherever it works for you is only of the many reasons our team members love working for GCR&D. Are you ready to join us? Check out our current open positions!

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