As a leading provider of affordable housing in Chicago, we are committed to promoting equal access to safe and affordable housing for individuals and families of all backgrounds. The Chicago Housing Authority's Housing Choice Voucher Program, commonly known as Section 8, provides rental assistance to over 50,000 low-income households in Chicago. For those who qualify based on their income, Section 8 vouchers can be used to rent approved private housing units and subsidize a portion of the rent.
In addition to Section 8, Chicago offers a range of other affordable housing programs to support our most vulnerable residents:
- Public Housing: The CHA owns and operates over 18,000 public housing units with subsidized rents for low-income tenants. Public housing is available for individuals, families, seniors, and people with disabilities.
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: The LIHTC program provides tax incentives to private developers to build affordable rental housing. Thousands of LIHTC units have been created in Chicago, with rents affordable for those earning 60% of the Area Median Income or less.
- HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Using federal funds, the HOME program provides grants to nonprofits, community groups, and for-profit developers to build, buy, and rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership. HOME aims to expand the supply of decent, safe housing for low-income Chicagoans.
- •Community Development Block Grants: CDBG funds local community development activities like affordable housing, anti-poverty programs, and infrastructure development. A portion of Chicago's CDBG funds are used each year to support affordable housing construction and rehabilitation.
We remain dedicated to working with government, nonprofit, and private partners to promote affordable housing access for all Chicagoans. Through a mix of programs and a shared commitment to equity and social justice, we can build a city where everyone has a safe, stable, and affordable place to call home.
Whether you're a self-managing landlord or eager to delve into Section 8 / Housing Programs, this invaluable resource is your ultimate guide. Don't miss out - Click to gain a competitive edge today!