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Straight Up Chicago Investor Podcast Episode 200: Which Chicago Neighborhoods are Hot and Which are Not?

Straight Up Chicago Investor Podcast Episode 200: Which Chicago Neighborhoods are Hot and Which are Not?

Welcome to Episode 200 of our Chicago Real Estate Podcast! In this milestone episode, we've got an incredible panel discussion with Matt Feo, Jake Fugman, and Blake McCreight. Our experts will take you through a journey of Chicago's hottest real estate markets and give you insider knowledge on which neighborhoods are set to double in value.

We know that the real estate market can be unpredictable, but our panel will help you stay ahead of the curve with tips on desirable property characteristics that will maximize your profits. Join us for an in-depth analysis on local real estate trends, and let us help you navigate the ever-changing market.

But we're not all about sunshine and rainbows – we'll also be addressing overvalued neighborhoods and Chicago's biggest challenges. Our experts will provide insight and perspective on these challenges and how they'll affect real estate investments.

Finally, our discussion will conclude with a powerful message on why Chicago is the place to invest in real estate. We're a central hub and world-class city, and our experts will explain why we're not going anywhere.

So, join us for Episode 200 of our Chicago Real Estate Podcast and discover the hottest neighborhoods in the city, tips for maximizing your profits, and why Chicago is the city to invest in. Don't miss out – watch the full episode now!

Questions We Answer In this Show:

Q. Can Chicago’s Rogers Park have values that double?

Q. Which Chicago neighborhood will be the next area to have its housing prices double

Q. What are Chicago’s Most Overrated neighborhoods in 2023?

Show Notes:

03:26 Housing Provider Tip: Start a podcast and create a following!

04:22 Intro to our guests: Matt Feo, Blake McCreight, and Jake Fugman!

05:46 In what Chicago neighborhood would our experts invest $3 million?

09:32 Which Chicago neighborhood has the best chance for values to double in the near future?

18:44 Our panel discusses the most overrated Chicago neighborhoods!

27:53 What are some local Chicago real estate trends?

35:13 What are the biggest concerns for Chicago over the next 5 years?

41:37 What’s the first step for new investors looking to get started? 

47:41 Our panelists give suggestions to improve the SUCI podcast!

51:18 Chicago Fact time!

Guest Name: Matt Feo, Blake McCreight, and Jake Fugman

Chicago Investor Resources Shared

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