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Chicago Property Management Blog

Building a “Game-Changer” for your Property Management Company

Building a “Game-Changer” for your Property Management Company

Chicago Property Management Software - While most property managers use off the shelf solutions like Appfolio, Buildium, and Propertyware GCR&D has taken that a step further. We do utilize Appfolio for their accounting and reporting system but we have built our own software that has allowed us to customize to our current process and modify as needed. Being able to see areas we can improve and tweak the software at the same time gives GCR&D the opportunity to change fast when needed or build in new breakthroughs to meet our task management requirements.

For example, our "Tenant Retention Process" (lease renewal) has 15 steps across 3 departments and the off the shelf solutions do not allow us to keep accurate record where we are at in the process nor have the ability to make sure all steps are complete before the entire process is marked completed. This is where most other property management first drop the ball. When steps are missed or not completed. The available management software just doesn't allow that to be tracked so we created our own way to make sure we can manage our team and not miss any steps!

Take a listen to our recent Podcast where Louis Hiza talks in detail the benefit of our custom software system and how it allows us to not drop the ball.

